1. At the beginning of the movie, after the traditional copyright warning, there is a second warning that flashes for a second.
2. Director David Fincher has claimed in interviews that there is at least one Starbucks cup visible in every scene in the movie.
3. Tyler Durden flashes on screen four times before we actually meet him as a character.
4. Before shooting, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton actually took boxing and soap-making classes.
5. Reese Witherspoon and Sarah Michelle Gellar were both offered Helena Bonham Carter’s role of Marla Singer.
6. The font used for the title and credits is called “Fight This.”
7. Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter spent three days recording orgasm sounds for their unseen sex scenes.
8. Marla Singer’s phone number is the same as Teddy’s number in the movie Memento.
9. To look convincingly like sagging flesh, Bob’s fat suit was filled with birdseed. It weighed more than 100 pounds.
10. When Tyler is giving a speech to the Fight Club, he looks directly at Jared Leto’s character when he mentions rockstars.
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